Home \ The pad of a pine nuts film \ Pillow with cedar filler

Pillow with cedar filler

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450 RUB.
As for a filler for pillow is used, the film core of cedar nuts, which is produced in the purification process of pine nuts. As a material for the inner and outer cover pillow is used one hundred percent cotton. The size of the cushion is 40cm. x 40cm.
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6 months

  As for a filler for pillow is used, the film core of cedar nuts, which is produced in the purification process of cedar nuts. As a material for the inner and outer cover pillow is used one hundred percent cotton. The size of the pillow is 40cm. x 40cm.

  To the curative features of cedar pillow include:

  • Beneficial effect on the respiratory system – prevention and treatment of various diseases of the respiratory system such as bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis;
  • Sleep on a cedar pillow helps to speed up recovery from a variety of colds – phytoncides Siberian pine inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and contribute to their disappearance. Cedar pillow is recommended for various children's institutions – kindergartens, camps, boarding schools and Pediatrics;
  • Absence of allergic reactions – the cedar pillow is made from hypoallergenic materials that soften the manifestation of a variety of allergic reactions;
  • The beneficial effects on the nervous system – cedar pillow becomes more calm and deep sleep, and the smell of pine forest that emits a pillow that is able to establish frayed nerves and to treat the psyche;
  • The ability to relieve stress and fatigue after a hard days sleep on a cedar pillow will prepare you for the brisk new day. These and many other medicinal properties of cedar pillows make it indispensable in any home.

  Make a gift to yourself, your children and loved ones the joy of good and restful sleep in a cedar forest.
